Publications by Dr Carol Stow
Papers, Chapter and Conferences
Stow, C. (2022). Barriers to working with bilingual children and how to overcome them in S. Pert (ed.) Working with Children Experiencing Speech and Language Disorders in a Bilingual Context. Routledge.
Stow, C., Pert, S., & Khattab, G. (2012). Translation to Practice: Sociolinguistic and Cultural Considerations when Working with the Pakistani Heritage Community in England, UK. In S. McLeod & B. A. Goldstein (Eds.), Multilingual aspects of speech sound disorders in children (pp. 24-27). Multilingual Matters.
Stow, C., & Pert, S. (2006). Phonological acquisition in bilingual Pakistani heritage children in England. In Zhu Hua & B. Dodd (Eds.), Phonological development and disorders in children: A multilingual perspective (pp. 326-345). Multilingual Matters.
Holm, A., Stow, C., and Dodd, B., (2005), Bilingual children with phonological disorders: Identification and intervention in B. Dodd (ed.) Differential Diagnosis and Treatment of Children with Speech Disorders, Second Edition. (London: Whurr).,+2nd+Edition-p-9781118713334
Stow, C., (2006). The identification of speech disorders in Pakistani heritage children. Unpublished doctoral thesis. University of Newcastle upon Tyne. Available at:
Download thesis abstract only here.
Download the complete thesis here.
Stow, C., and Dodd, B., (2005). A survey of bilingual children referred for investigation of communication disorders: a comparison with monolingual children referred in one area in England [March]. Journal of Multilingual Communication Disorders, 3, (1), 1-23.
Stow, C. and Dodd, B., (2003). Providing an equitable service to bilingual children in the UK: a review. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 38 (4) 351-377.
Pert, S. and Stow, C. (2001). Language remediation in mother tongue: A paediatric multilingual picture resource. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 36 (Supplement), 303-309.
Holm, A., Dodd, B., Stow, C., Pert, S., (1999). Identification and differential diagnosis of phonological disorder in bilingual children. Language Testing, 16(3), 271-292.
Stow, C. and Pert, S. (1998). The development of a bilingual phonology assessment. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 33 (Supplement), 338-343.
Holm, A., Dodd, B., Stow, C., Pert, S., (1997). Speech disorder in bilingual children: four case studies, Osmania Papers in Linguistics, 22-23, 45-64.
Dodd, B., Hemsley, G., and Stow, C., (2008). Bilingualism and learning difficulties: separating fact from fiction. The Bilingual Family Newsletter, 25 (2), 5-6.
Stow, C., (2004). Meeting the bilingual challenge, RCSLT Bulletin, 623, 14-15.
Pert, S. and Stow, C., (2002). Of dialects and syntax. Therapy Weekly 28 (39) 7, April 11 2002.
Stow, C. and Pert, S., Summer 2000. My Top Resources. Speech and Language Therapy in Practice, 30.
Stow, C. J. (1984). Words and Music. College of Speech and Language Therapists' Bulletin, June 1984, p.15.
See a transcript here.
Stow, C., and Pert, S., (2020). Bilingual Speech Sound Screen (BiSSS) Revised and expanded edition: Pakistani Heritage Languages: Mirpuri, Punjabi, and Urdu. The University of Manchester. Available at
Stow, C., and Pert, S., (2006). Bilingual Speech Sound Screen: Pakistani Heritage Languages (Winslow: Speechmark)
No longer in print - Please see above for the PDF revised and expanded edition.
Stow, C. and Pert, S. (1998). The Rochdale Assessment of Mirpuri Phonology with Punjabi, Urdu and English. (Rochdale: Pert), ISBN 0 9534337 1 4.
Pert, S. and Stow, C., (1998). RAMP interactive! CD-ROM. (Rochdale), ISBN 0 9534337 0 6.
Pert, S. and Stow, C., (2002). Colour Therapy Cards for Children with a Pakistani Heritage. (Rochdale: Rochdale Primary Care Trust).
McKean, C., Pert, S., Stow, C., (2012). Building early sentences in your language: a service evaluation study of the 'BEST' home language intervention. Poster presentation at the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists Conference, The Midland Hotel Manchester, UK, 11-12th September 2012.
Poster available here.
Handout available here.
Pert, S, McKean, C., and Stow, C., (2012). Building early sentences therapy: a service evaluation. NALDIC Summer Conference, National Centre for Language and Literacy Centre, Reading University, 16th June 2012.
Pert, S., McKean, C., and Stow, C., (2011). Building early sentences (BESt): designing bilingual language interventions. NALDIC Conference 'EAL and Additional Needs’, The Clothworkers’ Centenary Concert Hall, University of Leeds, November 26th 2011.
The transcript is available:
Pert, S. (2011). The Building Early Sentences (BESt) Project – Designing Bilingual Speech and Language Therapy Interventions. NALDIC Quarterly 9.2, Winter 2011/12 (Online), pp. 17-27.
Videos of the presentation are available on YouTube here.
Pert, S., Stow, C., and McKean, C., (2010). Building early language patterns: successful sentences in your language. Royal College of Speech and Language Therapist Study Day and Annual General Meeting, Edinburgh, 7th October 2010.
Dodd, B., Gatt, D., Hemsley, G., Holm, A., Jordaan, H., Pert, S., Petinou, K., Panagiotidis, P. AND Stow, C., (2009). Round Table: Generality and Specificity of Research Findings in Bilingualism. 3rd International Symposium on Communication Disorders in Multilingual Populations, Agros Village, Cyprus, 6-8th November 2009.
Stow, C., (2009). Use of a parent questionnaire to identify speech disorders in bilingual Pakistani heritage children. RCSLT Scientific Conference, London, March 2009 Pert, S., and Stow, C., (2009). Dysphagia and language impairment in King-Denborough Syndrome. RCSLT Scientific Conference, London, March 2009
Stow, C., and Dodd, B., (2007). The identification of speech disorders in pre-school sequential bilingual children whose L1 is not the majority language. IALP 27th World Congress, Copenhagen, August 2007
Stow, C., Pert, S., and Letts, C., (2007) The identification of communication impairment in children who are bilingual. Afasic 4th International Conference, Warwick, April 2007
Stow, C., (2006). The under-referral of bilingual children with speech disorders: factors influencing referral agents in England. RCSLT Scientific Conference, Belfast, 2006
Stow, C., (2004). Theory to practice: working with bilingual children with speech and language impairment. Plurilinguisme et interventions logopadiques 1: langage oral University of Geneva, 22nd November 2004.
Handout in French available here.
Stow, C., (2004). Identifying speech disorders in Pakistani heritage children. The Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists National Special Interest Group in Bilingualism, Hulme Hall, Manchester UK, 27th September 2004.
Handout available here.
Stow, C., (2003). Theory to practice: delivering an equitable service to bilingual children. The Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists Annual General Meeting and Study Day, Cardiff, Wales, UK, 30th October 2003.
Handout available here.
Pert, S. and Stow, C., (2003). A traceable translation protocol for speech and language therapy teams working with bilingual clients: the collation and analysis of expressive language data. Vth European CPLOL Congress, Herriot Watt Conference Centre, Edinburgh, UK, 5th - 7th September 2003.
Poster available here.
Handout available here.
Stow, C. and Pert, S., (2003). Hidden speech disorders in bilingual children: is it possible to identify speech sound errors in children with whom you do not share a language? Vth European CPLOL Congress, Herriot Watt Conference Centre, Edinburgh, UK, 5th - 7th September 2003.
Poster available here.
Pert, S. and Stow, C., (2003). Identifying disorder within code-switched language samples: the challenge for speech and language therapists assessing language skills in bilingual children. Child Language Seminar, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 9th – 11th July 2003.
Poster available here.
Handout available here.
Stow, C., and Pert, S., (2002). No English Required: Towards effective assessment and therapy in mother tongue. Treatment Efficacy for People with Communication Disabilities, Bi-annual meeting of the special emphasis panel in treatment efficacy, American Speech and Hearing Association. London, September 2002.
Pert, S., and Stow, C., (2001). Language remediation in mother tongue: a paediatric multilingual picture resource. Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists Conference, Birmingham, April 2001. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 36(S1), 303–308.
Stow, C., and Pert, S., (2000). The bilingual child: recognising diversity from disorder. 2000 and on: what will they be getting in community clinics? A national conference for speech and language therapists working in community clinics, Cannock, Wednesday 1st March 2000.
Slides available here.
Stow, C. and Pert, S., (1998). The development of a bilingual phonology assessment. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 33(supplement), 338–342. RCSLT Conference Liverpool, October 1998.