Speech and Language Therapy
The UK's longest running speech and language therapy website
Pert's Optimum Minimal Pairs (POMP)
Published by Course Beetle.
Full micro-course with instructions coming soon!
Full micro-course with instructions coming soon!
'sprite' / sbɹaɪt /
'bright' / bɹaɪt /
'sprite' / sbɹaɪt /
'bright' / bɹaɪt /
With a full set of stunning, inclusive illustrations by Reyyan Hammad, BA
© 2024
Pert’s Optimal Minimal Pairs (POMP) by Dr Sean Pert ©2024 is a resource for s-cluster production. There are resources for /s/ + plosive di-clusters with illustrations
and word lists for /s/ + plosive + /ɹ/ tri-clusters with minimal pairs.
Written English uses the graphemes ‘sp’, ‘st’ and sk’ which has misled people to believe that the vocalisation of these s-cluster is voiceless before the vowel. However, when the s-cluster is pre-vocalic (before the vowel), it is actually voiced. This resource takes account of the fact that s-cluster reduction results in a word starting with a voiced plosive.
If the clinician is expecting to hear a voiceless plosive, then the clinician may incorrectly attribute the realisation to the phonological process of Context Sensitive Voicing, in addition to cluster reduction.
This resource with accompanying guidelines supports s-cluster reduction therapy using minimal pairs which have voiced plosive minimal pair sets for more natural realisations, such as ‘stamp’ versus ‘damp’, / sdæmp / versus / dæmp /.
The resource consists of:
Written English uses the graphemes ‘sp’, ‘st’ and sk’ which has misled people to believe that the vocalisation of these s-cluster is voiceless before the vowel. However, when the s-cluster is pre-vocalic (before the vowel), it is actually voiced. This resource takes account of the fact that s-cluster reduction results in a word starting with a voiced plosive.
If the clinician is expecting to hear a voiceless plosive, then the clinician may incorrectly attribute the realisation to the phonological process of Context Sensitive Voicing, in addition to cluster reduction.
This resource with accompanying guidelines supports s-cluster reduction therapy using minimal pairs which have voiced plosive minimal pair sets for more natural realisations, such as ‘stamp’ versus ‘damp’, / sdæmp / versus / dæmp /.
The resource consists of:
- Instruction manual with record forms
- Care plan guides – long term, short term and sessional
- Therapy task instructions
- Therapy task recording forms
- Minimal pair set illustrations:
- Set 1 sp-words sb versus b-WI
- Set 2 st-words sd- versus d-WI
- Set 3 sk-words sg- versus g-WI
- Set 4 spr- words sbr- versus br-WI
- Set 5 str- words sdr- versus dr-WI
- Set 6 skr- words sgr- versus gr-WI
- Shopping list game WI word sets:
- Set 1 sp-words
- Set 2 st-words
- Set 3 sk-words
- Set 4 spr- words
- Set 5 str- words
- Set 6 skr- words